Who We Are

The Winnipeg Rental Network (WRN) is a city-wide inter-agency initiative taht operates under the auspices of the North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC). The WRN addresses affordable rental issues and works with tenants, landlords and service agencies regarding tenuresecurity.

WinnipegRentNet.ca is an on-line resource hub that provides a free listing service for landlords, tenant and landlord resource guides and links to other resources for rental properties.

NECRC also manages the Housing Plus program which provides centralized housing procurement and tenant/landlord supports for Winnipeg’s Housing First programs.

Funding for the WRN has been provided by various agencies, including by Employment and Social Development Canada, Manitoba Housing (Strategic Initiatives), United Way of Winnipeg,Neighbourhoods Alive! and Winnipeg Foundation. Neighbourhoods Alive! is a core funder for NECRC.

For more information please contact 204-417-2110 or 417-2039 or contact@winnipegrentnet.ca for core programming. For Housing Plus programming please contact 204-414-8220 or hp@winnipegrentnet.ca.

WRN is not a housing providerThe WRN listing service is a free service for landlords and tenants.  Landlords and property managers can log on and self-manage rental listings.  The WRN administrator can also create listings for landlords. Listings are limited to Median Market Rents, as determined by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC).

If you have a tenant/landlord dispute, or if you have questions about your rental, you can also call the Residential Tenancies Branch for help at(204) 945-2476.  The Residential Tenancies Branch is responsible for enforcing Landlord & Renter regulations found in The Residential Tenancies Act.