Renters – RentSmart

RentSmart - Tools and resources for renters - Winnipeg Rental Network - Affordable solutions for renting properties in Winnipeg

RentSmart is a national education program for renters. In Manitoba, two programs are offered: RentSmart Basics and RentSmart Certificate.

RentSmart programming is developed and managed by Ready to Rent in British Columbia. Winnipeg Rental Network is the coordinating agency in Manitoba. There are 38 trained educators in Manitoba.

For available courses, contact Alana Ring-Woodard at or call 204-417-2039.

RentSmart Basics is an introductory course. RentSmart Basics courses are facilitated by RentSmart Educators and are adapted to meet the unique needs of specific populations such as youth, newcomers, people with disabilities and seniors. RentSmart Basics is typically 3 hours long and is often the precursor to the RentSmart Certificate course.

RentSmart Certificate is a 12-hour course that covers the following:

  • Tenant rights and responsibilities
  • Landlord responsibilities and expectations
  • Living with roommates, housemates and neighbours
  • Effective communication skills
  • Budgeting and planning for housing affordability and stability
  • Maintenance do’s and don’ts
  • Crisis management, safety and pests

Upon completion of the RentSmart Certificate course, participants earn the RentSmart Certificate of Completion. The certificate can act as a reference and lets landlords know that graduates have learned how to be a good tenant.

The benefits of the RentSmart Certificate course are: empowered tenants who understand their rights and responsibilities, communicate effectively with landlords, neighbours and roommates, budget to maintain their housing and look after their home. Financial benefits include the reduction in the costs related to moving, damages and evictions, as well as the societal benefits of stable housing and all of its related impacts.

RentSmart Online is not available in Manitoba at this time.

RentSmart Educator. Anyone interested in becoming an educator can contact Alana at Winnipeg Rental Network (204) 417-2039, or can look into training opportunities in other provinces.  **Next training: March 5-8, 2019 | click here for more info**