Agency CoP - Tools and resources for renters - Winnipeg Rental Network - Affordable solutions for renting properties in Winnipeg

Next Network Meeting:
The Future of Social Housing

Wednesday, January 29, 2020  |  10AM
West End Commons, Assembly Hall
365 McGee Street

to RSVP email or call (204) 417-2110


The Rental Network organizes bi-monthly Networking Sessions aimed at creating a “Community of Practice” (CoP) for housing supports and eviction prevention. Agency CoP is intended only for social service agency workers who work directly or indirectly in housing support provision or advocacy.

With the goal of creating a Community of Practice, the following objectives were identified:

  • to create a forum to allow workers to have in-person contact and dialogue with their peers/colleagues; sharing knowledge and solutions;
  • to develop a venue for informal training and knowledge transference; and
  • to facilitate the creation and development of on-line resources, checklists and templates that provide quick reference for housing workers.