Tenant Landlord Cooperation program (TLC)

The Tenant-Landlord Cooperation (TLC) program provides services to the North End of Winnipeg, but also has one coordinator covering neighbourhoods outside the North End. The aim of the program is to promote the upkeep and maintenance of rental properties while fostering good working relationships between landlords and tenants.

Advocacy and Advise:
TLC Coordinators seek to help tenants and landlords to deal with rental issues where they feel they are being taken advantage of.  The program builds community capacity to deal with tenancy issues through one-on-one advocacy and the delivery of workshops. In addition to providing information on rights and responsibilities, the program tries to inform landlords and tenants on tenancy related strategies, best practices and grant opportunities. The TLC program provides free advocacy support services and helps clients with:

  • responding to damage deposit claims, termination notices, evictions, etc.
  • dealing with the Residential Tenancies Branch (RTB)
  • filing claims and requesting repairs
  • conducting inspections to ensure that the rental unit is in a good living condition
  • rebuilding poor rental history


Phone 204-927-2334 or email.

Renovation/Fix-up Incentive:
TLC is managed by the North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC).  As part of the incentive for joining the TLC, landlords will be given preference for NECRC’s small grant programs.  These grants must be matched dollar for dollar by the landlord, and can range from $1000 to $2500 (depending on the neighbourhoods within the North End).