Special Needs

The Canadian Mental Health Association, Manitoba and Winnipeg is part of a nationwide, charitable organization that promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness.  Located at 930 Portage Avenue.  Phone (204) 982-6100.  Email.

Inclusion Winnipeg is a registered charity which is dedicated to making life better for children and adults living with intellectual disabilities.  Inclusion Winnipeg serves three primary roles: firstly, to help adults and children navigate areas such as health, education, housing, employment and finances; secondly, to advocate on behalf of people living with intellectual disabilities, and their families, to influence policy and legislation that affects their lives; and finally, to build capacity across all environments: recreational educational and employment, recognizing that an inclusive community means a welcoming environment for everyone.  Located at
1-120 Maryland Street.  Phone (204)
786-1414.  Email.

Eden Health Care Services is a faith-based mental health and wellness organisation with programing that includes Job Services, Clinical Services, and Housing and Supports.
Eden has a new housing complex in Winnipeg called Concordia Village IV.  All suites are either median market rents or rent geared to income. Tenant selection is managed through a screening committee comprised of management and community representatives. The apartment community is designed to support individuals and families in need of safe, affordable housing. Located at 1055 Molson Street, Winnipeg. Phone (204)


The Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC) encourages the self-determination, self-help, and participation of all people with disabilities in the community.  ILRC manages programs in peer support, self-managed attendant care, information and referral services and individual advocacy.  ILRC’s mandate includes research into individual independent living issues and to propose alternative service models to fill in gaps in service as they are identified.  ILRC manages the Qu’Appelle Housing Project.  Located at 311A-393 Portage Ave.  Phone & TTY: (204) 947-0194. Email.

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities (MLPD).  The MLPD is a membership-based organization representing the concerns of people with all types of disabilities in Manitoba.  The MLPD supports Manitobans with disabilities with social policy research and consultation, public education programs, information and referral services, and class advocacy.  Located at
105-500 Portage Avenue. Phone: (204) 943-6099.  Email.

The Nine Circles Community Health Centre is a community based, non-profit centre specializing in HIV/STI prevention and care.  Services include: support HIV & STI prevention through testing, education and treatment; provide coordinated medical and social supports for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS; promote sexual and personal health including harm reduction to those at risk.  Located at 705 Broadway.  Phone (204)

Sara Riel Inc. is a charitable organization that provides voluntary programs and services in a community-based setting to adults experiencing mental health concern. Sara Riel Inc. receives core funding through the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority and relies on the generosity of donors for other expenses.  Located at
66 Moore Ave.  Phone: (204)
237-9263.   Email.

Society for Manitobans With Disabilities offers support programs and services that provide people with assistance as they improve the quality of life for themselves and others living with disabilities.   From education and work training to counselling and therapy programs, professionals and volunteers connect people with the resources they need to become more active in their community, participating in more activities and enjoying a greater level of independence.  Located at
825 Sherbrook Street.  Phone (204)
975-3010.  Email.

Stradbrook Residential Services provide Supported Independent Living (SIL) services to disabled adults who live independently in the community.  Located at 174B Scott Street. Phone (204) 453-0892.  Email.

Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc. promotes, supports and develops independent living for people with physical disabilities.   Located at 1010 Sinclair St.  Phone: (204) 339-9268.  Email.

Turning Leaf (Inc.) is a community based, non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing helpful services to those experiencing intellectual challenge and mental illness.  Programs include: Community Support; Residential Support; Day Services; Guided Living; Family Outreach; Individual and Family Counseling; and Crisis Stabilization.  Located at 2nd Floor — 2585 Portage Avenue.  Phone (204) 221-5594.  Email.