Rehab/Renovation/New-Build Programs
Exterior Fix-up Grants
Downtown Winnipeg Residential Development Grant Program (tax incentive program)
Pay As You Save (PAYS)
Other Manitoba Power Smart programs
The Home Depot Canada Foundation Affordable Housing Grant
Exterior Fix-up Grants
Certain Neighbourhood Renewal Corporations (NRCs) administer small fix-up grants for homeowners and landlords. These grants are often distributed by a lottery system. Applications are often received in May or June. Contact the organization directly for specific details. Grants are up to $2500 per building which must be matched with equal contribution by the owner.
NRCs: North End Community Renewal Corp. 927-2341 (neighbourhoods: St. Johns; William Whyte; Point Douglas; Dufferin; Lord Selkirk Park). Central Neighbourhoods Development Corp. 954-3860 (neighbourhoods: West Alexander and Centennial). Daniel McIntyre St. Matthews Community Association 774-7005 x102. West Broadway Development Corp. 774-7201 x2. Spence Neighbourhood Association 783-2758.
The Downtown Winnipeg Residential Development Grant Program
The City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba combine to offer a tax increment financing grant: Developers may be eligible to receive a tax-based grant for creating multiple family residential units in Winnipeg’s downtown. Projects can be new construction, additions, conversions, or redevelopment of eligible buildings.
The Downtown Winnipeg Residential Development Grant Program is supported by Community Revitalization Tax Increment Finance Act and will provide up to $20 million in incentives to developers over the next three years. Under this plan, developers will be provided a grant that is equal to the incremental taxes on improved property for up to 15 years. Developers could be eligible for grants of up to $40,000 for each rental or condominium housing unit built or renovated in Winnipeg’s downtown.
A minimum of 10 per cent of the new housing units supported under this program will be for low-income individuals and families as well as people with disabilities.
Power Smart Pay-As-You-Save (PAYS)
Manitoba Hydro’s new Power Smart Pay-As-You-Save></strong (PAYS) Financing program is able to help consumers reduce energy consumption and cover upfront costs when they make energy-saving home improvements. The program is both an affordable and convenient financing option to make energy efficiency upgrades to residential homes.
PAYS Financing covers upgrades for:
- space heating equipment;
- insulation;
- water heating and water conservation which includes water heating equipment and toilets (only eligible for financing with one of the above upgrades).
Eligibility: A contractor or retailer will work with you to determine if your project is eligible for financing and to help you complete the PAYS Financing Agreement. Contractors and retailers can find out more information on eligibility by contacting Manitoba Hydro at: phone: 204-480-5900, toll-free 1-888-MBHYDRO (1-888-624-9376) or email:
Funding: Anticipated energy savings are used to entirely offset the cost of energy improvements over the useful life of the asset. The loan stays with the property, allowing people to make improvements which will pay for themselves over the long-term. It is transferable from one homeowner to another, or from property manager to tenant. Your monthly payment is less than your estimated annual utility savings*. These savings are averaged over 12 months and are used to determine your monthly payment. Your monthly payment will be added to your energy bill.
* Estimated annual utility savings after qualifying upgrades have been completed.
Other Manitoba Hydro Power Smart programs
Click here for the full range of
Power Smart Savings, Rebates & Loans, including
Power Smart Home Programs and Financial Loan Programs,
Power Smart Commercial Programs and
Financial Loan Programs.
The Home Depot Canada Foundation Affordable Housing Grant
This program will provide up to $25,000 to Canadian registered charities completing housing projects that
are healthy to live and affordable to own. Applications will only be accepted from registered Canadian charities and other tax exempt entities such as
Eligible projects include affordable housing unit refurbishments, retrofits and/or build projects that are either
built in accordance with recognized sustainable standards or include sustainable building techniques and/or
materials. More info on the Foundation’s website.