Financial Resources

The marketAbilities Program within the Ministry of Families offers a wide range of employment focused services to assist adults with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining and maintaining employment.

Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development centres across the province can assist you in finding, preparing for, and retaining employment, including support for skills development.  Contact a service location near you.

Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) provides financial help to Manitobans who have no other way to support themselves or their families. This includes benefits from the Rent Assist Program that helps with housing costs. For people who are able to work, EIA will help them go back to work by providing supports to employment.  Winnipeg: 204-
948-4000.  Email.

Community Unemployment Help Centre helps individuals obtain the Employment Insurance (EI), or Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) benefits to which they are entitled.   This includes providing information, advice, assistance in preparing appeals, and representation at appeals.  The Centre’s services are open to everyone in need and no fees are charged for any service.  Location:
501-275 Broadway.  Phone:
204-942-6556. Email.

Asset Building Programs  SEED Winnipeg’s Asset Building Programs assist low-income participants to save for productive assets or household necessities. To help participants meet their savings goals, our programs include money management training classes, matched savings credits that are added to the funds that participants save on their own, opportunities for peer support from fellow participants, and one-to-one support from SEED staff.. For more information, please visit their website. Phone 204-927-9335

AFM Gambling Helpline.  This phone line is available 24 hours, 7 days per week with interpretation services available in 150 languages and dialects. It offers information and referral services and is free and confidential.
1-800-463-1554 (toll free in Manitoba)

Citizens’ Bridge is a one stop shop for supporting clients to get identification documents, bank accounts, and driver licences. Located at 607 Selkirk Avenue. Identification and Bank Accounts: 204-691-9719; 204-691-9720, Driver Instructor: 204-691-9718, Fax: 204-691-9717. Email.

Community Financial Counselling Services (CFCS) is a publicly funded, community governed agency, offering debt management services.  CFCS clientele include more vulnerable and high risk populations such as youth, seniors, low income, persons living with a disability and persons with problem gambling behaviour.  Programming includes the creation of a plan to meet individual financial responsibilities with ongoing supports to help individuals gain the decision-making skills and self-management abilities that will continue to support them long after the formal program has ended.  Located at 516-294 Portage Avenue.  Phone 204-989-1900.  Email.

The Credit Counselling Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals and families find solutions to their debt and money problems.  They provide individuals with confidential and free credit counselling services, credit education and debt management programs.  Located at
611-428 Portage Ave.
Phone 1-888-527-8999.   Email.

Consolidated Credit Counseling Services of Canada is a national, charitable, non-profit credit counselling and financial literacy organization. Consolidated Credit offers free, no obligation credit counselling services, both over the phone and face-to-face. Consolidated Credit can assist in the review of a stable monthly budget then offer an assessment of all debt-repayment options available to an individual based on their personal circumstances.Location, by appointment: 201 Portage Avenue, 18th Floor.  Phone: 1-888-477-7397. Email.

Neighbours Helping Neighbours.  The Salvation Army, with support from Manitoba Hydro, has expanded its Neighbours Helping Neighbours program to reach out to all residents of Manitoba.  This energy assistance program provides low income individuals, families and seniors who are unable to pay their energy bill due to personal hardship or crisis with:

  • referrals to community support services, counseling and job training;
  • one-time emergency funding to assist with energy bills.

Neighbours Helping Neighbours relies on private and corporate donations to fund its services. Manitoba Hydro matches all program donations dollar for dollar.  Phone: 204-949-2106.

Opportunities for Employment offers a range of services for job seekers and employers.  There are two offices that offer employment consultation services (i.e. resume development, interview prep.), resources (i.e. computers, messaging service), workshops, and employment development certificates.  Main office: 2nd Floor, 325 Donald Street.  Phone 925-3490. Email.  Community office: 561 Ellice Ave.  Phone 204-925-3595.

PATH Resource Centre is a storefront operation in the North End of Winnipeg open to providing a range of resources and services for individuals engaged in a variety of employment-related activities.  Some participants come to the centre looking for assistance with housing, health and other social issues, while other participants are seeking career counselling, help with a resume, or the development of a job search plan.  Whatever the need of the participant, staff at the centre try to provide the service directly or will refer to other dedicated services.  Located at
627 Selkirk Avenue.   Phone: 204-927-2300.  Email.

Partners for Careers (PFC) is a program funded by the Province of Manitoba and administered by Friendship Centres throughout the province.  The PFC program is dedicated to providing career support services to clients in urban communities, and does everything from resume and cover letter building to interview preparation.  The PFC program operates with an Indigenous focus, but is also open to anyone who can benefit from its services.  After new skills are upgraded and/or existing skills enhanced, the program then works to connect potential employees with potential employers, and building further partnerships. This particular program also hosts many workshops and job fairs throughout the year to ensure every opportunity is laid out for the public to access. For more information please contact your local Friendship Centre.  The Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres (MAC) head office is located at 102-150 Henry Ave; phone: (204) 942-6299; Email.

Consumer Association of Canada, Manitoba Branch, has a Resource Guide as part of its Consumer Education Resource Program.  This Guide contains information on consumer rights and legislation, welfare, banking, credit, bankruptcy, consumer proposals, pawn shops, payday loans, rent-to-own and tips for consumers living on a limited budget.  You can view the Guide here; it is a long page so scroll down.  Located at 21-222 Osborne Street South.  Phone: 204-452-2572.  Email.