Emergency Shelters
Main Street Project provides a safe, respectful and accessible place for individuals at risk in the community. Main Street Project advocates for a more inclusive society and assist marginalized individuals to make real choices. Programs include: Emergency shelter, 58 spaces, adults only; Non-medical detoxification centre; Transition Services Team; Mainstay Residence, 34 spaces, (a supervised room and board environment that provides short term accommodation, meals, and a stable environment for adult men and women who are largely disadvantaged, in personal distress, often chemically dependent and homeless); and Intoxicated Persons Detention Area. Located at 75 Martha Street. Phone: (204) 982-8245. Email. Doorway to Housing First.
Siloam Mission.
Siloam Mission’s Emergency Shelter is a 11,000-square-foot space, located on Siloam’s second floor. The shelter is a dry facility that offers: 110 single beds; a 5-bed family room; Individual shower stalls and change rooms; and staff for transitional support and safety. 300 Princess Street. Phone: (204) 956.4344. Email. Doorway to Housing First.
The Salvation Army Booth Centre.
This 253 bed residential centre (up to 300 in winter) is a transitional facility that provides accommodation to individuals in need such as people who are facing addiction, mental illness or requiring emergency shelter. The primary focus of the centre is to work closely with people in an effort to deal with both physical and spiritual needs. In so doing we work to restore human dignity and re-educate all individuals where and when possible. 180 Henry Ave Winnipeg. Phone: (204) 946-9400. Doorway to Housing First.
Men’s Resource Centre. Emergency Shelter for Men and their children is accessible through the Men’s Resource Centre for men who are fleeing intimate partner domestic violence and/or abuse. Men experiencing violence or abuse within an intimate partner relationship are eligible for shelter. Our goal is to enable abused men to access emergency accommodation to ensure their physical safety. Crisis counselling is offered along with assistance in working with service agencies to secure future safe housing, legal matters, custody issues, etc. The Men’s Resource Centre’s mandate is all of Manitoba. All services are free. Located at
115 Pulford Street. During business hours call 204.415.6797 ext. 201 or come to the centre. After business hours call: The Provincial Domestic Abuse Line at: 1.877.977.0777 or Osborne House at 204.942.3052. Email.
The Youth Resource Centre (YRC) and Emergency Shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The shelter offers short-term, overnight emergency stays for your ages 12-17. Youth accessing the shelter may use the showers and recieve crisis intervention, counselling, case management, advocacy, and supplies to meet bais needs (food, hygiene, clothes). McDonald Youth Services, 175 Mayfair Ave. Phone: (204) 477-1804
A & O: Safe Suite Initiative. This initiative provides temporary housing for men and women, 55 years or older, who are in need of a safe place to stay due to abuse or neglect and whose needs cannot be effectively met by existing abuse/crisis services. Abuse may be physical, emotional/psychological, sexual, financial or neglect. The program provides the following services: counselling services; furnished accommodations for up to 60 days; Victoria lifeline support; practical assistance regarding finances, housing and legal supports.
A & O is able to provide this service at no cost to older adults. Intake number: 204-956-6440.
Toll-free: 1-888-333-3121. Email.
Drop-ins and Cold Weather Programs
Just a Warm Sleep – will open January 1st, 2019 until March 31, 2018, 7 days/week.
They provide a space for people who are affected by the cold weather to sleep overnight. People accessing this warming centre are required to maintain a respectful and quiet demeanour, but it is not a requirement to be sober.
Augustine United Church, 109 Pulford Ave., Phone: 204-782-3195
Monday to Sunday: Intake: 9:00pm to 11:00pm
Overnight: 11:00pm to 6:30am
Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY) operates a drop-in centre (ages between 15 to 29) that offers showers and laundry facilities and provides food (sandwiches and water), and supplies such as warm clothes, hygiene products, safe sex products, and resource information.
125 Sherbrooke Street. Phone 204-391-2209
Drop in Hours:
Monday – Friday: 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Monday & Wednesday 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Spence Neighbourhood Association – West End 24/7 Youth Drop-in is for youth ages 13-26 who are in crisis, exploited, or unsafe at home. It provides food, sleeping mats for use on site, and supplies such as toiletries, feminine hygiene products, safe sex products, and clothing. A van operates between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. for pick-ups and between 6 a.m. and 7 a.m. for drop-off.
430 Langside Street. Phone: 204-333-9681
11 p.m. to 7 a.m. including holidays. (every day between December 5 and March 31)
11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Friday and Saturdays, including holidays (non-cold weather hours)
The Youth Resource Centre (YRC) and Emergency Shelter is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The shelter offers short-term, overnight emergency stays for your ages 12-17. Youth accessing the shelter may use the showers and recieve crisis intervention, counselling, case management, advocacy, and supplies to meet bais needs (food, hygiene, clothes).
175 Mayfair Ave. Phone: 204-477-1804.
Rossbrook House. Rossbook House is an inner-city drop-in Centre that provides a safe place for children and youth to belong, play, learn and become who they are meant to be. It offers a constant alternative to the destructive environment of the streets. There is a drop-in space designed for children and youth ages 6- 24years, although only 13+ can stay overnight. However, in cases of emergency, children under 13 and those over 25 years old may be allowed to stay overnight.
Address: 658 Ross Avenue Phone: 204-949-4090
Two vans are available for driving children (12 and under) safely home at 8:30 pm each evening, and teenagers and young adults can get dropped home at 11 pm. The vans stop running at midnight.
Every weekend of the year: open midnight – 8:00 am.
Summer holidays, winter and spring breaks: 24 hours daily.
Also open on holidays.
Ndinawe/Tina’s Safe Haven. Ndinawe is an immediate and reliable place of safety, connection and support for youth during times of high risk. Ndinawe provides several programs including a 16 bed Safe House and a Resource Centre that is open every day, all year. The age range for the safe house is 11 to 17 years old and the Resource Centre is 13 to 24 years old. Youth can self-refer to the safe house and the intake is open 24 hours.
Address: 472 Selkirk Ave. Phone: 204-417-7233
The Salvation Army. When the temperature gets to -10 C, Booth Centre opens its cold weather space, which accommodates 50 people plus. No one is turned away and everyone is allowed in to warm up. The centre also operates a van patrol from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. when temperatures drop to -15 C.
180 Henry St., Phone: 204-946-9402
Main Street Project. Programs include a drop-in centre, which offers: supplies (clothing, winter outerwear, hygiene products, and harm reduction supplies), showers, meals (breakfast only on Fridays and Saturdays, and lunch, and dinner).
Address: 75 Martha St. Phone: 204-982-8245
Overnight Shelter Hours: 7:00 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.
Outreach Van Hours: 11:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Siloam Mission.
Siloam operates a Drop-in Centre from 6:30 am to 8:00 pm. Meals are available for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The shelter for adults operates from 8:00 pm to 7:30 am. Showers and hygiene products are available. The Clothing Program offers clothing and winter outerwear.
Address: 300 Princess St. Phone: 204-956-4344
Doorways to Housing First
Doorways is a community collaboration designed to meet the needs of individuals, families and youth in Winnipeg
who are experiencingchronic (homeless for 6 months or more) or episodic (homeless 3 or more times in the last year)
homelessness. Doorways also provides intake and referral services for youth who are close to aging out of CFS care and
have no place to live.
There are two ways that people can access Doorways. 1)
People can self-refer to the Doorways Hub , located at 103-181 Higgins Avenue, for an intake survey. People can either walk-in or call the Hub at 204-925-3830 to book an appointment. 2)
People experiencing homelessness can also access Doorways through referral from one of the “door” agencies.
Some shelters and agencies act as a door into Doorways’ centralized intake program. Workers at these agencies can
conduct the intake survey and offer prevention, early intervention and diversion strategies. For those participants who
qualify, workers will make referrals to Doorways for further assessment. The partner shelters and agencies that people can visit for a pre-screen include:
- Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg
- Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre
- Eagle Urban Transition Centre
- Mount Carmel Clinic
- Canadian Mental Health Association, Manitoba and Winnipeg
- West Central Women’s Resource Centre
- Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY)
- Siloam Mission
- Salvation Army Booth Centre
- Main Street Project
Doorways is the intake, assessment and referral centre for Winnipeg’s Housing First programs. Participants should
be aware that they are applying to be accepted into a housing and case management program—not just housing.
The intake and assessment tools used to help determine people’s level of need and vulnerability are the VI-SPDAT and
The VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index & Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool) is a pre-screen tool used to determine
if a person’s situation warrants advancing beyond prevention, early intervention and diversion strategies.
The SPDAT (Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool) is a triage assessment tool used to determine a person’s acuity
and key issues related to housing. The tool prioritizes the participant’s needs for the Placement Committee and helps them
determine the programs best suited for each individual. The process helps the Placement Committee serve those with the
most acute needs first as well as accurately match the right participant to the right resources.
The Placement Committee is chaired by the Doorways Coordinator and is comprised of one representative from
Winnipeg’s Housing First agencies:
- Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg Inc.
- Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre Inc.
- Eagle Urban Transition Centre
- Mount Carmel Clinic
- Canadian Mental Health Association, Manitoba and Winnipeg
- West Central Women’s Resource Centre
- Resource Assistance for Youth (RaY)
- Siloam Mission
- Macdonald Youth Services
After Placement,
First programs will match participants with a supportive case manager who will help the participant find a home, and then
make regular home visits to help the participant implement an individualized plan for success. Housing First is a fidelity based model that
- Access to permanent housing with no housing readiness conditions
- Participant choice
- Recovery orientation, including a harm-reduction approach
- Social and community integration
- Wraparound supports
- Intensive Case Management (ICM) or Assertive Case Management (ACT) Teams
- Integration of trauma and culturally informed practice
Winnipeg Rental Network supports Housing First agencies with its Housing Plus program. Housing Plus helps with centralized procurement for rental units and other tenancy supports to maintain tenancies or to help with housing transitions. The program is located at 509 Selkirk Avenue. Phone: 204-414-8220. Email.