Community Resources
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM). The mission of AFM is to enhance the health of Manitobans by reducing the harm of alcohol, other drugs and gambling through leadership in education, prevention, rehabilitation and research. Located at
1031 Portage Avenue. Phone (204)
944-6200. Email.
AFM has a 24 hour Gambling Helpline which offers free counselling with trained professional counsellors. Call the Gambling Helpline to find out more. Anyone who is concerned about someone else’s gambling can also access free counselling services through the Helpline. 944-6382
Manitoba Addictions Helpline. A Helpline for alcohol, drug or gambling addictions. Includes a questionnaire to help narrow down which programs may fit with your current situation. You can also call the Manitoba Addictions Helpline or drop in to speak to a counsellor. This service is free and confidential. Call: 1-855-662-6605. Drop-in: River Point Centre – 146 Magnus Ave.
Andrews Street Family Centre (ASFC) is a multi-service family and neighbourhood support centre that seeks to build on the capacity of residents to provide local solutions to issues related to family and neighbourood development. It’s work to date has focused on promoting family support and stability, child development, and the creation of a coordinated framework for local support and community ownership to better address neighbourhood issues.
Located at 220 Andrews Street. Phone (204)
The Central Neighbourhoods Development Corporation (CNDC). The CNDC is a vibrant socio-economic development agency that helps residents build stronger and safer neighbourhoods in the Centennial, Central Park and West Alexander communities of Winnipeg. The CNDC is in the process of re-focusing on it’s 5 year plan. Phone
(204) 802-2063. Email.
Chalmers Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation is a new organization within the Chalmers Neighbourhood located in the community of Elmwood. We work with current and former residents, businesses, service providers and supporters to plan and work on initiatives that benefit our Chalmers Neighbourhood and the broader community of Elmwood. Located at 180 Poplar Avenue. Phone
(204)669-0750. Email.
Citizens’ Bridge is a one stop shop for supporting clients to get identification documents, bank accounts, and driver licences. Located at 607 Selkirk Avenue. Identification and Bank Accounts: 204-691-9719;: 204-691-9720, Driver Instructor: 204-691-9718, Fax: 204-691-9717. Email.
The Community Education Development Assoc. (CEDA) The Pathways to Education-Winnipeg is delivered by CEDA. Pathways to Education Winnipeg gives support to students in their finencial, academic, social & advocacy needs. Located At 470 Stella Avenue and 419 Selkirk Avenue. Phone: (204) 582-
Daniel McIntyre/ St. Matthews Revitalization Inc. DMSMRI is
a not-for-profit community organization that is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of community residents, organizations and stakeholders in the Daniel McIntyre and St. Matthews community. Housing is identified as one of the major priorities and as a result, housing and housing improvement is one of the areas that DMSMRI has been most active.
Location: 823 Ellice Ave. Phone: 774-7005. Email.
End Homelessness Winnipeg was established in 2015 through a community mandate to be the backbone organization that will implement a ten-year plan to end homelessness. EHW seeks to shift from “managing” homelessness to “ending” it. Through collaboration, alignment, and integration when necessary, EHW partners with community agencies, funders, private and public sectors, and supporters to address the root causes of homelessness and prevent its occurrence. Located at Unic C – 216 Pacific Avenue. Phone: 204-942-8677. Email
The Family Centre of Winnipeg offers specific community development initiatives which help to build, empower and sustain communities. The Family Centre has developed an effective working relationship with the Government of Manitoba and the United Way to provide family resource centres in select Manitoba Housing developments. Under the direction of Tenant Advisory Committees, the centres offer drop-in programming to the Manitoba Housing community. Over thirty services are offered including clothing depot, access to computers/phone/fax/internet, parenting programs, summer programs, crafts, seasonal events, and a community kitchen. This initiative continues to evolve as the community identifies further needs. Main office located at 401-393 Portage Avenue (Portage Place). Phone (204) 947-1401. Email
Native Clan Organization offers several services. The NCO Resource Information Center is intended to provide our clientele and the community visitors with immediate access to community resources and useful programming. Programs include Parole Supervision and Community Assesments.
The Native Clan is also a supporting agency for Urban Section 84 releases to Winnipeg. With accommodations available at Regina House CRF, Native Clan will assist offenders on conditional release who are committed to participating in Aboriginal spirituality and cultural activities. Located at 94 Mcgregor Street. Phone (204) 943-7357. Email.
North End Community Renewal Corporation (NECRC) is committed to the social, economic and cultural renewal of the North End. NECRC defines its development goals through annual consultations and ongoing networking with North End residents and businesses. The corporation administers small grants to both homeowners and landlords. NECRC also has a committed Tenant Landlord Cooperation program. Located at 509 Selkirk Avenue. Phone:
(204) 927-2330. Email.
Thrive Community Support Circle. Founded in 1973 as a crisis line for pregnant women, Thrive is committed to offering immediate and long term, quality support and counselling to women, men, and families seeking help. Programming includes classes for parenting, prenatal, health and nutrition, GED upgrade, and Intro to Canada. Thrive also operates a thrift shop. Counselling and Resource Centre located at 555 Spence Street, Ph. 772-9091, email. Family Community Centre located at 100-475 Sargent Ave., Ph. 775-9934. Thrive Thrift Shop located at 555 Spence St., Ph. 783-9281.
Spence Neighbourhood Association works with the people of Spence to revitalize and renew their community in the areas of health, safety, community economic development, and housing and neighbourhood image. Located at 615 Ellice Avenue. Phone: (204) 783-5000. Email.
West Broadway Development Corporation (WBDC) works with residents and stakeholders toward environmentally sustainable, social and economic revitalization of the West Broadway neighbourhood. The WBDC works with local housing providers to support local housing improvements. These housing projects involve community-private-public housing partnerships that have provided housing options for low and moderate income families and individuals in West Broadway. The WBDC also administers the Property Improvement Program, a small exterior fix-up grant for homeowners and landlords. Located at
608 Broadway. Phone: (204) 774-7201. Email.
Wolseley Family Place is a multi-service, non-profit, community based program that promotes social support, cooperation and collective responsibility through an offering of a mix of education, information, activities, material support and other resources to families across a number of service and program areas. Wolseley Family Place programs deliver a range of services and programs guided by principles that focus on building supportive relationships, facilitating growth, respecting diversity and furthering community development. Located at
Lower Level, 691 Wolseley Avenue. Phone:
(204) 788-8052. Email.