Aboriginal / Metis
Renting a home in Manitoba: an easy-to-read resource booklet.
E.A.G.L.E. Urban Transition Centre is a province-wide First Nation/Aboriginal service delivery agency that advances the principles of healthy independent living by providing leadership and resources to First Nation/Aboriginal people that have relocated or, are residents of the City of Winnipeg. Located at
200-275 Portage Avenue. Phone:
204-954-3050. Email.
Partners@510 Selkirk has an online Guide to Winnipeg for Aboriginal Newcomers. Or drop in to this storefront resource centre to get info on all the employment, education and training opportunities in Winnipeg as well as many other services. Located at 510 Selkirk Avenue. Phone:
204-945-0447 or toll free 1-800-883-0398. Email.
The Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre was established in 1984 by the
Aboriginal community to serve the Aboriginal community living in
Mamawi provides supports for families to better
care for children by creating meaningful opportunities for
community and family involvement. Program areas include Community Care, Children in Care, Youth Services, a Community Training & Learning. Offices located at
445 King Street (925-0300);
443 Spence Avenue (925-0348); and 318 Anderson Street (925-0349);
363 McGregor Street
(925-6816). Email.
Eyaa-Keen focuses on providing a unique form of Aboriginal Traditional based therapeutic trauma treatment and psychological rehabilitation. They facilitate the process for people to start living fully alive, thriving, and making good decisions in their own lives, in their own way. Eyaa-Keen’s programs and services are designed to improve the well-being of Aboriginal people. Through a series of Aboriginal Traditional based sessions, they deliver integrated physical, emotional, mental and spiritual treatment, healing and development. Located at
547 Notre Dame Ave. Phone:
204-783-2976. Email.
Oyate Tipi is a non-profit organization which accepts donations of gently used household goods and furniture. All items are then distributed to women and children who are trying to better themselves by escaping poverty and/or abusive situations. Oyate Tipi is the result of concerted effort by ten (10) local service agencies to address issues of affordability of household goods, when moving from supported or emergency housing to independent living. Located at
606 Selkirk Ave. Phone: 204-589-2218.
The Manitoba Metis Federation (MMF) oversees a large portfolio of rental and homeowner housing units the Province. The MMF also manages Rural & Native Housing units under the Community Housing Managers of Manitoba. The Winnipeg Metis Association Inc. has joined together with Habitat for Humanity to build new homes for Metis families. For more information contact the Winnipeg office. Located at 412 McGregor Street. Phone: 204-589-4327.
Housing Providers
Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council Housing Authority. Phone
Kinew Housing Inc. 394 McGregor Street. Phone 204-956-5093.
Kanata Housing Corporation. 202-2055 McPhillips Avenue. Phone 204-338-6261.
KeKiNan Senior Centre Inc. 100 Robinson Street. KeKiNan has added 30 new Assisted Living apartments with meals, laundry and light housekeeping. KeKiNan Centre has been serving Aboriginal seniors since 1991 in its existing 30-unit building. Phone 204-582-0439.
Payuk Inter-Tribal Housing Co-operative. 500 Balmoral Street. Phone 204-942-0991 (SAM Mgmt.) Email.
Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF) represents a variety of housing co-ops across Manitoba. CHF’s Manitoba operations include an Aboriginal director on it’s board and actively seeks to promote co-operative housing within Manitoba. Phone 204-947-5411 or email.
Dial-a-Life Housing Inc.
The purpose of Dial-a-Life Housing Inc is to provide suitable housing for medically displaced persons of Native ancestry and their families, who have reached End Stage
Renal Disease (E.S.R.D) and must relocate to Winnipeg for dialysis.
100-130 Watson Street. Phone: 204-694-9170